Callum Smiles Media is an independent media outlet with only one agenda: The Truth.
Having started a career in acting, Callum gave acting up during the draconian “COVID” era of ever expanding government and the tightening of the leash on the lives of the general public to focus on more important matters, finding the truth.
Callum began to put his head above the parapet by conducting public debates called “Convince Me Otherwise” under Frankly Speaking Politics with Corrie Legge as well as performing comical politiskits to bring people’s attention to important matters through the medium of laughter, for example opening for a live AJ Roberts show with Matt Le Tissier as “Boris Johnson“.
This led to being spotted by Rebel News where Callum worked for 9 months as the UK and European reporter, creating unique news packages and documentaries, such as going undercover in migrant hotels and migrants camps as well as the famous walk and talk with Greta Thunberg in Davos 2023.
Callum left Rebel News in May 2023 to work independently, creating Callum Smiles Media.